Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back Easter Egg - Director's Comic Movie Connection

In the movie Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, the two of them are being chased through a hollywood lot, when they plow through a movie that is being shot. You only get a quick glimpse of the actors but one is unmistakably Daredevil and the others are a group of ninjas, or the Hand as they're referred to. As some people know, Kevin Smith is a huge Daredevil fan and wrote some issues of the series. The artist for those issues Joe Quesada also appears in the movie in a brief cameo, as the pizza delivery boy. I also spotted in the background of the hollywood lot, a group of men walking by who were dressed identical to the men in Reservoir Dogs, even including the bloody red shirts. There are a few other movie homages and such but most of those you can figure out for yourself. Hope you guys found this info interesting....

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  6.4/10 with 73 votes
Contributed By: Sloanbone69 on 09-12-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Watching the movie
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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mike writes:
Yes, actually this shot was originally a longer thing where jay and silent bob run up and stop and watch the daredevil for a while before being chased off by the security guard.
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I believe that scene is connected with the Daredevil movie being made starring Ben Affleck as Daredevil
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TheDengar writes:
What's more, Kevin Smith will be directing (and I believe writing) an upcoming Daredevil movie. With the new Scooby Doo movie coming out, (there was a reference to it too) it wouldn't surprise me if this Daredevil appearance was supposed to be a reference to the upcoming movie as well.
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Also ,Todd McFarlane was the stage manager for Good Will Hunting 2 - Hunting Season.
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Rick writes:
Speaking of other movie references, when the hookers walk up to Jay and Silent Bob when they arrive in LA, the blonde is wearing the Julia Roberts hooker outfit from Pretty Woman.
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newtonbase writes:
In the original scene the security guard pushes Daredevil out of the way and says "Get out of the way you red faggot". Naughty.
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Also, Kevin Smith isnt directing or writing anything related to the Daredevil movie i believe, but he does write wicked stories. He stars in it. He is a morgue worker by the name of Jack Kirby and talks to joe palintino, of who kevin smith is a big fan.
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ivan writes:
The Daredevil part I am unsure about, but Kevin Smith did take Over productions of the Spider-man comic from Stan Lee. JAY AND SILENT BOB ROCK!
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