Rebel Assault 2 Easter Egg - Road Runner Fall

1. Go to chapter 11
2. To make it easier use invincibility cheat (alt v...letgo)
3. Get to the third section of this level
4. When you're there try NOT to shoot any stormtroopers
5. Shoot down the bridge
6. (For those of you who don't know how to do this, just shoot the blue things down below the bridge)
7. Then it will start to show a small movie.
8. Immediatly hold down "W"&"B" at the beginning of the movie
9. You can stop holding it down when the movie is over
10. If you did it right you'll see a stormtrooper flying (down) through the air

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 10 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
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Rey-Rey writes:
It always does this! You can shoot 'em all if you want to, then take down the bridge. It's the same thing! Believe me, I have the game. This is what's called a desperate measure!
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