Raptor Easter Egg - Funny Opening Screen

1. Set your pc's date to May 16.
2. Make sure your sound is turned on!
3. Run raptor.

User Rating:
  5.5/10 with 14 votes
Contributed By: Destin Berthelot on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Josh Lee writes:
This also works for April 24. In the beginning, during the initializations, it displays the message "Birthday() = Paul R."
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Lone Star writes:
Not to be a complete spoiler or anything, but if you're wondering what happens, it plays a rather alternative version of the Apogee theme. Check it out here: http://www.space-debris.net/hosted/rapgoof.wav
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DOURO writes:
Here is the real story about this. When Apogee modified ID's original engine, they embedded some 2,000 lines of C into the engine that activates several tricks (monkeys throwing coconuts, different opening theme, special sound effects produced by the voices of the dev team, etc.) whenever the current date is the birthday of one of the game's developers. The sound effects added some 500K to the sound register file!
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echoLogin writes:
The real story is Apogee didn't code Raptor, nor did ID all the easter eggs where coded by scott host b4 the game was even out and the company name at the time was Cygnus Software and is now called Mountain King Studios! it was released on april 1st and the 1st bday to come up to unlock the jokes would be may 16th ( scott host's bday )
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