Girlfriend in a Coma (Douglas Coupland) Easter Egg - Many Smiths References (Besides the Title)

Everybody knows the title of Douglas Coupland's book "Girlfriend in a Coma" was lifted from the Smiths song of the same name. However, Coupland scattered many Smiths (and Morrissey) song titles throughout the book. I'm not a big Smiths fan, so the only one I remember catching is "Every day is like Sunday," but Coupland says there are a whole bunch.

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Contributed By: I Got Toes on 10-05-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Copy of "Girlfriend in a Coma" by Douglas Coupland
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Al writes:
I remember the sentence "Golden Lights Oscillate Wildly" - two Smiths song titles.
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BigDonBox writes:
Read it ages ago, but some I remember coming across were: "hand in glove" "...we can go for a walk where it's quiet and dry, and talk about precious thing..." and some more, which i forgot.
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Estudiante writes:
I just finished reading it. I actually got it from the library given its title (I am a big fan of The Smiths). The duration of the coma is also lifted from a song, and it's made its way as a sentence too. From "Never Had No One Ever", "I had a dream, it lasted twenty years, seven months and twenty-seven days" (slightly adapted, but it's there).
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Estudiante writes:
And two more: "the queen is dead" (beginning of chapter 25) and "The Last of the Famous International Playboys" (this one is a Morrissey song; Hamilton plays the role after the Sleep).
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Pfazer writes:
Also, "That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore."
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Pfazer writes:
And "Bigmouth Strikes Again," too.
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neckcracker writes:
I have found 16 references to the Smiths/Morrissey. The title "Girlfriend in a Coma", "I was only trying to be funny" lyric from Big Mouth Strikes Again (p.10), "We'll go to a place that's quiet and dry and talk about precious things" lyric from The Queen is Dead (p.38), "That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore" (p.44), "then a song by the Smiths" (p.68), "Half a Person" (p.112), "Hand In Glove" (p.125), "Has the world changed or have I changed" lyric from the Queen is dead (p.128), "this is just the bee's knees" lyric from Reel Around the Fountain (p.173), "Last of the Famous International Playboys" (p.221 and p.263), "Everyday is like Sunday" (p.231), "The Queen is Dead" (p.198), "Golden Lights" (p.283), "Oscillate Wildly" (p.283), and finally the duration of the coma from "Never Had No One Ever".
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cherry writes:
I was just thinking everyone falling asleep...perphaps a reference to Sing me to Sleep? Ida kno just a thought.
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