Courage The Cowardly Dog Easter Egg - Director's Name

submitted by [email protected]

In the episode, "The Revenge Of The Chicken From Outer Space," there are three times that you can see the word "DIL". Here's when you look for it:

#1. When you see the cop on the bridge, look to the right. You will see "DIL" spray-painted on the wall.

#2. When Courage trips over the UFO's cord in the barn, DIL is on the plug.

#3. When Courage and Muriel are riding the motorcycle during the UFO chase scene, part of the engine says DIL.

DIL also appears in the episode "The Duck Brothers". When the ducks are throwing eggs at Courage, look at the trash bags behind him. The brand is Dilly Bags(so it doesn't say DIL exactly).

I know there are others, so if you see them, please e-mail me(Note: I have seen the DIL chainsaw).

User Rating:
  7.4/10 with 25 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 08-02-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: T.V, working corneas and pupils
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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punx writes:
and what is DIL actually supposed to mean...i know when someone answers this im gonna feel like an absolute moron...
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Anticlea writes:
Its the directors initials. so, DO you feel like an idiot? :)
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Wright1996 writes:
"DIL" is short for DILWORTH, the creator and director of all COURAGE, THE COWARDLY DOG show. This has already been discussed in this forum, so I don't see why this is considered "new."
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Snowflake writes:
John Dilworth is the director of Courage. He likes to have his name hidden on products in the show.
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Ammnontet writes:
In the episode where the ghost comes and tells Eustace to grow something before midnight, the radio has a song by J.D. Smith (J.D. Meaning John Dilsworth) called "Happy Birthday".
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there is also a dil on the tennis racket on the episode where everybody gets revenge on courage playing dodgeball.
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