Deep Blue Sea Easter Egg - Renny Harlin's Finnish

Because Renny Harlin's Finnish,he's included a few easter eggs in DBS:
1.In the bar,on a table there's a bottle of Finlandia vodka.
2.On one of the tables(I forgot which one) there's the flag of Finland.

Also,early in the movie you can see Renny Harlin going to a helicopter.He has a Hawaiian shirt.

User Rating:
  4.6/10 with 98 votes
Contributed By: Jonne Nurminen on 10-05-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Eyeballs.Two,no plug-ins.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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stickyvicky writes:
Okay, I'm sure I'm being pretty dim here, but why is Renny Harlin's Hawaiian shirt anything to do with the fact he's from Finland?
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*Stara* writes:
Well, maybe Jonne meant that you can actually SEE THE DIRECTOR himself in the movie and mentioned the Hawaiian shirt just to point it out!
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Also, there are a lot of fins in this film. I don't actually care if you don't find that funny...
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Will writes:
Not To be mean or anything like that, But Renny was not heading to a helicopter, He was heading to the boat that was departing Aquatica. BTW he was acting as a crew member that was leaving the facility for the weekend.
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