"Got Milk" Magazine Ad Easter Egg - Watch Your Back, Conan!

Obtain any copy of the advertisement. Conan will be sitting in the old-style student chair that has the attached table and under-seat stowage area. Being a bit too big for the chair, he is a bit hunched over. Directly behind him is the blackboard (he is sitting right in front of it). To the right of him, his back, on the blackboard is a sinister looking character holding up a dagger as if to prepare to plunge it into Conan's back. It is almost the same color as the blackboard--just darker. When I first saw it I turned the page to see if it was bleed through from the other side--it wasn't. It IS there on the board!

What is it about blackboards anyway? Check out the "Hot for Teacher" egg in the video section.

User Rating:
  6.3/10 with 123 votes
Contributed By: TAPMAGOO on 10-06-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Magazine with Conan O'brien in a classroom for the "Got Milk?" campaign
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

The Advert There's The Guy!
The Advert There's The Guy!

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


Kait writes:
I have a perfect copy of this ad, coming from Rolling Stone, but I can not find it anywhere! Not eve if I hold it up to a light. I am certain there is nothing there.
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Commanderraf writes:
Which one is the "video" section?
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TAPMAGOO writes:
This is so good! I got a copy from a friend and sure enough...it's there! Very creepy. I went to the music video for the other egg...very cool! Please, find more!
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Adam G writes:
to see this go to: http://gurlpages.com/html/images/connan.jpg I can kinda see it
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TAPMAGOO writes:
That picture on the above web page doesn't do justice...the shading that shows the "villian" is not as apparent as the actual ad...Thanks for the tip, though.
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Superdude writes:
I saw it in that picture. I think. Is it like a really small pic where the knife guy is running. I'm pretty sure i saw it.
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o0p5y dai5y writes:
This is clearly the doings of an over-active imagination. If you stare at any picture for long enough, you are bound to see something, its your mind playing tricks.
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Hidasta writes:
I just looked at this ad (I have it in a magazine) and there is NOTHING there, it's just darker because it doesn't have any chalk "stains" there. Although I admit I saw SOMETHING, it was your eyes playing tricks on you.
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O2 writes:
I cant see it. Which side is it on, and can someone use a paint program to point it out?
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fats writes:
I agree with Hidasta. Blackboards fade with time, and while it does LOOK like there is someone trying to stab him, it is HIGHLY likely that this is just a coincedence. It dosen't even look that much like a knife in his hand.
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Me????? writes:
i dont see it... nothings there... the guy is safe... i hope...
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scgsquid writes:
i thought it was a bunny!
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Billy Bob writes:
It's there, but it is VERY hard to find.
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I found this on alltheweb.com,and the man's hard to see,but I kept looking,and there is a strange outline of an arm,certainly,and you can see a strange body if you look REALLY carefully,but I see no dagger..........
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ekwfan6 writes:
I can see the knife, but I cannot see the little character. What does he look like?
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Danigrl1992 writes:
I see it in two different places. Over his head to the right and near his back to the right. You will see a fat body but no dagger in the one near his back, it has dots in the stomach, and the dots were made with chalk. I think this wasn't an accident.
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I found a website: http://www.annwyn.net/milkadsclearinghouse/have/misc/pc_obrien.jpg I can't see it, but maybe you can.
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Here's a up to date wesite w/ the picture: http://www.angelfire.com/tv/ConanOBrienKRUNK/images/milkad2.jpg I think its just a coincidence that there happens to be chalk dust in shape of a guy with a dagger/knife.
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Okay, I don't see the guy with the dagger. I have looked hard for it. The image of the pink elephant sodomizing the dancing chicken knife scares the hell out of me though.
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