Scary Movie Easter Egg - Scary Movie Easter Egg

Go to the screen selection and cycle through it 7 times, you should hear a scream.(Buffy's one) and now you'll have access to 11 lost deleted clips form the movie.

User Rating:
  4.1/10 with 199 votes
Contributed By: mr. beefy on 07-21-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: DVD
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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mkell writes:
This did not work. When you said "screen selection" did you mean the main menu?
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WeirdJohn writes:
This is crap. It doesn't work on ANY of the menus. Plus looking at the actual chapters, there isn't space for "11 lost deleted scenes". It's just crap, unless someone can prove it wrong and get it to work.
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Compman writes:
this didn;t work, need more specific details like direction and the correct screen
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Beefpowder writes:
Yeah cmon dude! more details please! Where do we have to go through 7 times? And which region DVD does this work on?
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Shemaryah writes:
i think he meant scene selection...but i don't know if this works or not
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Zell writes:
I think he means SCENE Selection. I don't have the DVD so I can't try.
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AlmostHero writes:
I'm not 100% sure, but when he says to let it cycle 7 time, i think he's referring to the little animation and movie clips that run in the background of the main menu. I know it goes so far, and then restarts, and on a ps2 you can here the laser reseting to the beginning of the thing.
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mr. beefy writes:
Please, no more e-mailings! I got this egg off of and have no idea if it works. Bother that guy. I'm truly sorry if I led you on a wild goose chase- I didn't know it wouldn't usually never lets me down!
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Xander writes:
This didn't work because the deleted scenes aren't hidden!!!
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Waveydavey writes:
Could it be the Region difference? Because this egg is for Region 1.
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darcy_monkey writes:
cause im in region 4 i wouldnt no but i think i may no how to find it. when the disc comes on you can push the chapter skip button at any point during the movie and you can skip thru the chapter to the next. If you go past the last chapter of the movie you can go to the next title. If you keep doing this you can find all different secrets of the dvd. If you can find a deleted scene which isnt on the discs menu then you no it can be found somewhere.
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hello...i tried this in the chapter selection on a region 1 (through a multi region dvd player) and it wont work although it doesn't seem likely that its true because the deleted scenes are already in the special features section
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