Quake 2 Easter Egg - Doom Poster

1. This egg-of-sorts is in a hard-to-find secret area in the Upper Palace in the City unit.
2. Find your way to what looks like a mine shaft that leads to a room made of gold-colored rocks and yellow lights.
3. There should be a pool of moving green slime and an environment suit nearby.
4. Along the edge of the pool, near the right, is a button by the floor.
5. Just wander around the pool (look down) and eventually you will run into it.
6. Use the environment suit, enter the pool and follow the passage to a Secret Area.
7. One of your fellow marines has made a secret hideout here, featuring artifacts such as a picture of a sports car and a Doom poster.

User Rating:
  6.7/10 with 27 votes
Contributed By: Doom Poster on 07-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: None
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

Poster of Carmack's Ferrari F40
Poster of Carmack's Ferrari F40

Do you have another one? Send us a picture or video of this Egg!


Cyberasmith writes:
If you run Roger Staines' Q2 add-on level "Ghost Town 2", you'll find a Doom logo on a wall in the hotel.
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freddiew writes:
It's John Carmacks room. It's him in the photo with a ferrari.
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shaveme writes:
Hey, this is pretty cool!! Also, if you hit that button on the computer in the secret room, the tube full of liquid drains and a spinning head is inside. It doesn't really look like Carmack's head but it just might have been supposed to (or was this the 'ancient head' artifact, i forget?). You can shoot the container open and steal the head. LOL
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