BASIC Stamp II Microcontroller Easter Egg - Hidden Greeting

1. Open up the Basic Stamp II development program, connect your BASIC Stamp II to your PC, set the COM port to where it is connected, etc.

2. Make a blank program, and type this:
data @2031,$40,$58,$F6,$34,$63,$9A,$31,$CD,$8A,$66,$48,$13,$84,$4C,$35,$07,$C0
(That's all on one line)

3. Open up the debug terminal, and then download the program to the BS2/IC.

4. Look at teh text in the debug terminal.
Just be careful, make sure you do everything right. I did this on a regular BS2/IC, and it worked fine. If it messes up your chip, then don't go after me.

User Rating:
  4.2/10 with 28 votes
Contributed By: Steven M on 06-16-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: BASIC Stamp II Chip, PC, a basic knowledge of electronics
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Zilog80 writes:
This is not an easter egg, it is this program: debug "HELLO!" the data command puts bytes in the BS2's eeprom. With that command you put bytes directly on the program area, where the Bs2 start executing the program. You can see this looking at the memory map of the egg and of this version, they are the same.
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