SE7EN Easter Egg - Paper Clip

Go to the menu on the first disc. Bring up the Set Up Options. Highlight the paper clip. Press
Enter. It brings up the pattern you see when a TV station goes off the air.

Not that much fun, though.

User Rating:
  2.6/10 with 102 votes
Contributed By: weirdo411 on 05-26-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: none
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Thelma writes:
You must have just bought your DVD player, huh? That is not a special egg or anything. It is used as a guide when adjusting the color on your TV before you watch the movie. The only movie so far that does use the color bars as an Easter Egg is in the movie Magnolia. If you leave the bars on for a while, some bloopers from the movie appear.
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Ali B writes:
This doesn't apply to Region 2 versions.
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noffkido writes:
Seriously. Okay. Color bars are NOT an easter egg. (Though easter eggs are often decorated with the same colors as the color bars).
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MichaelMyers writes:
Quite a few movies use the color bars to hide easter eggs...Two very good ones can be found on (#1) another little P.T. Anderson film called Boogie Nights...Much more amusing than Magnolia...The second is the Criterion Collection edition of Kevin Smith's Chasing Amy. I have over 2700 discs and of all the color bar hiding places, those have to be the best...Magnolia coming in quite far at the end...They're everywhere.... Happy Easter
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Marblemouth writes:
In this situation it is an easter egg. The color bars were not an expressed option on the menu screen. It was a hidden option, hence an easter egg.
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