An American Prayer (Jim Morrison) Easter Egg - Closing Words

Play the last song on the CD, The Ghost Song. You'll probably want to fast forward it to the end of the song instead of letting in play through. Anywayz, when the music stops let the CD keep playing. In about 45 seconds, you'll here Jim say "One more thing..." and then recite some closing verses. I know it's not the greatest, but I'm sure there's a few people who haven't discovered it yet.

User Rating:
  5.9/10 with 57 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-27-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The American Prayer CD and a CD player
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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pandt writes:
That's something Jim would do just to see if your floating on the same plane. He would call this a mind check.
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Kar_in_NJ writes:
Sounds really cool. Thanks. Can't wait to try it...
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mé_féin writes:
WHAT DO YOU MEAN "You'll probably want to fast forward it to the end of the song" I recommend listening to the whole album first!!! (This is the best egg site :)
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