Street Fighter II Easter Egg - Capcom's Boat

Go to Ken's stage and let the battle begin. Work your way over to the left side of the screen, and look at the boat in the background. It has the word Capcom right under the shadow of the tip.

User Rating:
  1.3/10 with 263 votes
Contributed By: Bad Ash Campbell on 09-27-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A Super NES or a Sega Genisis
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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MrSandpaper writes:
Oh big deal, it also says Capcom in the las Vegas level and every where else on the game. I don't think this is much of a secret.
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Special K writes:
So what? Capcom made the game, they can put their logo wherever they want.
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