Total Recall Easter Egg - "Rekall" Advert

1. Go to the special features menu.
2. Highlight "trailer".
3. Press left and a TV will appear.
4. Select it.
5. You will then see a TV advert used in the film for the "Rekall" memory implant.

User Rating:
  3.6/10 with 38 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 05-15-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: DVD of Total Recall, player
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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jackob writes:
I cannot get this to work. I think you need to be more specific about to which version of the Total Recall DVD you are referring. My version, bought two years ago, has no "special features" menu. It has only one menu (one on each side of the disc - regular and wide screen). It has the trailer, but nothing happens when "left" is pressed. I have a Pioneer DV-717 player.
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Shabby writes:
I have the Total Recall Special Edition and nothing happens when I press left while the trailer option is highlighted.
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Josh Combs writes:
I also cannot get this egg to work, the version of Total Recall I have came in a tin can shaped like mars. There is a special feature menu with trailers, but nothing happens when I press left, or right.
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SouPdRagon writes:
This Egg DOES Work. I have a Region 2 disk (c) 2001 Momentum Pictures. Part of the Schwarzenegger series. It is the bit that is shown on a monitor near Arnie when he is on a train early in the movie
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Aragorn writes:
I have this dvd that came in the red Mars looking tin. It's a special edition dvd and the clip mentioned is a link under the special features menu.
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