Toy Story 2 Easter Egg - Joke Reel

This is on the 3-pack supplemental disc, and this is what you have to do:
1. Select the "TS2" section of the supplemental features disc.
2. Select "Music".
3. Press left at any of the features.
4. It will reveal a question mark.
5. Select it.
6. It will reveal a joke version of the musical sequence at the end of the film.

User Rating:
  4.5/10 with 24 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 05-15-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: DVD of Toy Story 2, player
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Snakeman writes:
I'm having trouble finding this egg. After I clicked the Music and Sound selection, it took me to a menu with a record player in the background. Is this the correct menu? Because if it is, I have yet to see a question mark when I press "left" on the remote.
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Daniel Janes writes:
A friend of mine says that you press left at one particular song. She wasn't sure which one it was, but she says it may "When She Loved Me". I can't verify it, though, because I do not own the DVD of "Toy Story 2", unfortunately.
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Daniel Janes writes:
Wait a minute, "You've Got a Friend" would make more sense, wouldn't it?
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Scolman writes:
You need the Ultimate Toy Box set of DVD's which is both movies and a third disc with a whole bunch of infomation about the two movies
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spats writes:
Snakeman is right, I have the 3-disc deluxe edition too, and can't find an easter egg or question mark by pressing left (or any other button) with the cursor anywhere on the music page -- is there more to this secret?
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Boneho Chane writes:
I've always wanted to see this, but I can't. Can someone tell me what happens?
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