Born on the Fourth of July Easter Egg - Historic Cameo

It has been awhile since I saw the movie, but it's near the end of the movie when the main character is being wheeled into the stage for him to deliver a speech or something.

Amongst the people crowding around him is legendary sixties hippy, yippie (yes it is spelled correctly) and all around great guy Abbie Hoffman in a cameo role. He doesn't say anything but it's definitely him, the credits even mention him. Abbie Hoffman devoted a large portion of his life to upsetting the country enough to stop the Vietnam War.

User Rating:
  6.3/10 with 9 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 05-15-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: I think just a normal copy of the movie and a sharp eye
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damn I can't believe it's been four years since I wrote this, should have given some information other than "anonymous"
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