Dexter's Lab Easter Egg - Lucas Reference on Dexter's Tag

On the episode, "Blackfoot and Slim," at the end of the episode, Dexter is given a tag. The tag reads "Blackfoot 1138." THX 1138 appeared as an egg in several George Lucas and Steven Speilberg movies as an egg because THX 1138 was the name of Lucas' first film. Since this is a pretty well known egg, the people at Dexter's decided to pay homage to Lucas.

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  5.2/10 with 58 votes
Contributed By: pinballwiz on 05-15-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: the episode called "Blackfoot and Slim"
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Wright1996 writes:
Another Lucas reference is the episode called "The Laughing." When Dex tries to come up with a cure to his infected funny bone he is seen in a Bacta tank ala Luke Skywalker. Of course, the entire short is a reference to "The Shining." Also, in the episode where Dex asks DeeDee to help him become more in tune with nature, she trains him in ala Yoda training Luke on Degobah. The short even has the part where DeeDee rides on Dex's back and he does that somersault.
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Ash writes:
If you watch Dexter regularly then you must know that there is at least one reference per episode to either Lucas or Speilberg movies!!! This egg is kinds pointless really! And THX is a part of Lucas's Skywalker Sound company the most obvious piece of self movie promotion!
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Darth Anikan writes:
No, THX 1138 is a movie directed by Lucas, trust me. And there may be one in reference to Indiana Jones. Who knows? Also, in the episode with big Billy, Dexter cuts Billy free with something like a lightsaber.
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Wright1996 writes:
Sorry...this episode was not referring to "The Shining." It was referring to a number of werewolf stories. I was thinking of a "Simpsons" episode.
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DOURO writes:
In American Graffiti, the license plate on the main character's convertible is labelled "THX 1138".
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dogg_lad writes:
Also in the episode where Dexter tries to find life on Mars, he sets off in his rocket and says something like: 'Set coordinates for the Mars system' as people like Darth Vader say in Star Wars. Eg. 'Set a course for the Hoth system'.
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shendo2009 writes:
In the episode where Dad goes crazy over the muffins, he is hiding in a doorway while Dexter is guarding the muffins and Dee-Dee is checking on Dad. He tells Dex, "Dexter, I am, your father," and Dexter screams, "Nooooooooo!!!!!".
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