Norman Rockwell(1943) Easter Egg - Self Portrait for America

President Roosevelt was tops at morale boosting while in charge of the country. His propaganda is legendary.

He commissioned famous folksy illustrator Norman Rockwell to paint a series of four large paintings to portray "The Four Freedoms" guaranteed to a strong America, inherent to average Americans.

1.Freedom of Speech 2.Freedom of Worship 3.Freedom From Fear 4. Freedom From Want

In "Freedom From Want", Rockwell's tongue-in-cheek cameo is looking over his left shoulder from the bottom right hand corner right at (you) the observer of this popular picture of-- grandmother holding the huge turkey at the head of the crowded dinner table.

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  6.9/10 with 55 votes
Contributed By: iamTHErooster on 04-25-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: find this series of paintings
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Fun E writes:
Here's a piece from "Norman Rockwell - A Sixty Year Retrospective". Rockwell took on World War II as if he had discovered it. Twenty-four years earlier he had pictured America's fighting men as Boy Scouts on bivouac-sewing on buttons, thinking of Mom, and singing 'Over There'. Now he saw soldiers and sailors as civilians in uniform-and the war itself as everybody's fight. He conceived the idea of explaining through pictures what the war was all about. The 'Four Freedoms' were the result. Millions of copies were printed and distributed by the government and private agencies all over the world; the Treasury department toured the four originals to sixteen cities where they were seen by 1,222,000 people and used in selling $132,999,537 worth of war bonds. For many Americans World War II made sense because of the goals depicted in the Four Freedoms.
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