Simpsons, The Easter Egg - The Collector Collects Matt Groening

In one of the halloween specials, where Bart and Lisa are exposed to radiation and become super heroes. They go to the 'layer' of the collector (the comic store guy). He has the plastic poutches around the wall containing people from commics etc. He is putting xenia into one of them, if you look at the third or fourth pouch from the one he is in, you should see Matt Groening.

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  4.1/10 with 63 votes
Contributed By: Marvin on 04-25-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Video, Pause button, TV, power socket, video with episode,
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pneuma08 writes:
Matt Groening makes fun of himself a lot, especially in his "Life in Hell" books.
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Biff51 writes:
Don't forget the 138th Episode Spectacular. He is portrayed as an angry Southern who drinks whiskey.
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Lindsey writes:
hehe I luv CBSG
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tom7373 writes:
Also, in the pilot Futurama Episode (another cool cartoon made by Matt Groening) Fry and Bender hide in the head museum and Matt's head is there.
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cazeda writes:
How is Matt Groening "poking fun at himself" when he is not the animator? It's the animators who "poke fun" at him, clearly as a joke, since he is the 'richest' and 'most powerful' Simpsons' staff member.
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CheetahEryn8 writes:
Hey, you guys, i think that every single eegg posted here about the Simpsons has some sort of comment about Matt's head in the jar in Futurama. It's funny, but I'm sure that most of us get the picture by now. There are tons of cross-overs of the Simpsons and Futurama characters, so why not mention all of them instead of just Matt's head?
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