Minute Maid Orange Juice Easter Egg - Anita Bryant !

Newest MM commercial shows a mellow Popeye and Bluto sharing a sunny day. They even get matching tattoos that say: "Buddies For Life." The announcer's voiceover says: "Looks like somebody started their day with MM." Olive Oil can't get their attention as they pass by on a tandem bike. She looks back at audience with a puzzled look.


Back in mid-seventies, Anita Bryant was the spokesperson for MM. Her brilliant tag-line was: "A day without MM orange juice is like a day without sunshine!"

She publically slammed the gay lifestyle with such a vengeance that she became standard fodder for nightclub comics. This commercial made me laugh so hard that I dropped my juice glass on the carpet.

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  5.3/10 with 215 votes
Contributed By: iamTHErooster on 04-15-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: watch this commercial
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tomgreen writes:
May I be the first to say, What?
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I know. Cool, huh? It is easier to poke fun at self with a cartoon.
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Jake writes:
Basically with this commercial Minute Maid is countering the anti-gay baggage brought about by their old spokeswoman. Bluto and Popeye normally fight over Olive Oil, but in this commercial they "like each other" and stop paying attention to Olive Oil. Thank you very much for pointing out the Anita connection.
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OK, i know the commercial, I've seen the commercial....and I'm still confused, can someone explain it better? maybe I'm just to young.......
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Emily writes:
I dont think this is an egg...i just think its a concidence...i could be wrong. What makes you think there's a connection?
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kaylafer writes:
see this Anita girl is gay! and in this commercial instead of Popeye and Bluto fighting over Olive Oil they are like there best friends..somewhat gay because they are totally annoying Olive Oil!!! see the egg the anita girl is and its making popeye and bluto look gay!! i think thats halariouse!!
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Marie writes:
The one and only time I saw this commercial I too thought they were making a homosexual reference between Popeye and Bluto and spewed my juice while admiring their chutzpah(sp?). I figured they were trying to divorce themselves from Anita's bigotry but Oasis's response has made me look at the ad in a new light. Unless MM is under new and VERY open-minded management I cannot imagine they would take such a chance on alienating so many fans of an innocent cartoon. Were they not aware of what they were inferring? Hard to imagine, hee, hee. Oh my, check this out: http://www.usatoday.com/money/advertising/2001-05-11-popeye.htm Not quite out of the closet.
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Mike writes:
I may be off the mark, but I don't see a gay couple. I see two guys who have been fighting each other for years suddenly becoming best friends. That's a powerful message, and a powerful orange juice to change someone's view to that extent. Ignoring Olive Oil at the end only solidifies their friendship... doesn't make them homosexuals. I don't see the egg.
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ka!t writes:
Marie, I went to the web site. I think there might be something to the egg, but the article was reading in too far.
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Agador writes:
Personally I see nothing "dirty" in the Ad, you see what you see or what you are familiar with, this dose not make you homosexual, cheers to MM for coming out into the light. . . . .
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Brock O Lea writes:
Sorry guys, Anita Bryant was the spokesperson for the "Florida Orange Growers" not MinuteMaid. I don't think MM was trying to portray Popeye and Bluto as gay, since they were not the company responsible for Anita Bryant in the first place.
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deesleboy writes:
This commercial has an under-lying message. Ever watch the daily show? In a correspondant segment (ad nauseum?) they interviewed one of the current spokesman about the way that commercial portrayed the 2 male characters. They specifically made fun of the symbolism and how gay it was. This must've been started by some dumbass bored old lady with nothin else to be doin... check a news archive.
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