Rosa, Don Easter Egg - Hidden Signature

Many probably already know this one, but for those who don't:

Don Rosa always hides his signature D.U.C.K. somewhere in either the front page or the first page of every comic he makes. D.U.C.K. means Dedicated to Uncle Carl from Keanu. Uncle Carl is of course Carl Barks, and Keanu is Don Rosa's real first name. Keep in mind that the signatures are VERY WELL hidden! good luck! I've found them in almost every don rosa comic i've read.

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  6.9/10 with 44 votes
Contributed By: moon on 09-20-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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DrD writes:
Interesting...and I agree signatures aree well hidden!
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Napo Nappari writes:
Sometimes he has Mickey mouseĀ“s head in his comics.
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FakeFox writes:
Check out this site:
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matthew writes:
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friedchicken writes:
In his first Donald Duck-comic he just wrote it in a corner of the last picture but the publishers deleted it. That's why he started hiding it. PS This egg can also be find in the books-section
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friedchicken writes:
Another good Don Rosa-site:
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Shlumpen writes:
His name is Keno
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napodano writes:
the name "Keno" derives from his father's name "Gioacchino" (he was Italian. The last part of the name, "chino", is in fact pronounced like Keno
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