Gorillaz (Gorillaz) Easter Egg - Hidden Track

After the last track about 8-9 minutes, is one of those hidden tracks... that are found in so many albums today. But this one is the remix of the Clint Eastwood track.

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  6.3/10 with 65 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 04-09-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: speakers and ears!!!
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Jimmeny Cook writes:
Muh! Hardly an egg, since, as you say, they're so common nowadays, people probably check. And since it says the track is 10 mins long on any decent player, its kinda obvious
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Joeman writes:
actually, the secret track is EXACTLY 6 minutes 11 Seconds on Track 15 - M1 A1
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oyeman writes:
Hey dude, the "hidden" track starts at 5 minutes, 30 seconds into it. NOT 6:11.
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klonoa3 writes:
I think there is some confusion. The American version of the Gorillaz CD has extra tracks, including left hand suzuki method, that aren't on the UK cd, that explains the difference in times of the beginning of the remix.
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It's not at the end of M1 A1, its at the end of Left Hand Suzuki Method
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Stillbored writes:
Actually, it starts at 5:23 on the American Version.
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Vegeta writes:
I have the Gorillaz CD, probably the European verison (I live in Sweden) and it has two bonus tracks, the Clint Eastwood Ed Case/Sweetie Eire Re-Fix and the 19-2000 Soulchild Remix (Which is the best track on the CD) but it says on the backside the they are there. Plus, my CD doesn't have the song Suzuki Left Hand Method, and the song M1 A1 is not the final track. Is it many different verisons of this CD or does some of the comments refer to the CD G-Sides?
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