Disneyland Easter Egg - Disney's Mickey

Well, I live in Anaheim, CA, home of Disneyland and there is on legend that is passed from person to person here. It's about Disney's Mickey.

When you enter the park, you have to go down Main street. After Main Street, you come up on a circle street that surrounds a statue of Walt holding Mickey's hand.

If you go to the Adventureland entrance and look at the statue, you see Walt's right side. You also see Mickey's nose poking out at about Walt's midsection.

This view allows you to see "Disney's Mickey".

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  5.2/10 with 53 votes
Contributed By: Dan on 04-14-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

Pictures and Videos

Happy Walt 1 Happy Walt 2
Happy Walt 1 Happy Walt 2

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anlog writes:
Nice one, although I doubt this one was actually planned.
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O157H7 writes:
Actually, that statue's is called "Happy Walt" and many employees who give the new employee orientation lecture point that out.
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*¤KaYcEe¤* writes:
OK I'm sure this is just by chance.....they wouldn't have done that on purpose
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KellerzQBob writes:
This is also true at the park in Orlando, Florida. My friends and I, being the immature little punks that we are, spent about ten minutes staring, joking, and photographing this little surprise.
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O2 writes:
Can you get a Picture of this?
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I dont know if this has crossed anyones minds or not but what do you suppose mickey was doing under walts jacket? Makes you wonder if him and minnie were just a front...
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Yes, cast member's call it the "happy side of Walt." I don't believe that's the "Actual name" of the statue. It's not planned at all.. it is just what happens if you have a mouse at waist level with a pointy nose standing next to a man. It's amusing, but not on purpose.
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Boneho Chane writes:
This is the only egg I noticed when I was at Disney World.
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MINDS writes:
Listen, Disney always been corrupt thowin Subliminal messages at us, a lot of there posters have Sexual References to them, SEX appearin in Lion King, that National Treasure movie all apart of disney's agenda...
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Wedgie writes:
Haha, I don't care if it was planned or not, this is pretty funny.
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vikinglad writes:
The statue at Disneyland referenced here is called "Partners." It was sculpted by a good friend of Walt's named Blaine Gibson. He also sculpted most of the pirates in POTC and a number of animation maquettes (more here: http://legends.disney.go.com/legends/detail?key=Blaine+Gibson). IMHO, it would seem weird that a man with this sort of closeness to Walt would intentionally do this in his own tribute to him. Once again, I believe that people trying to point out the evil in Disney anything are showing more about their own personalities. As the pics show, the "Mickey" is significantly lower than it should be. It is a stretch, and a coincidence, but not an egg. On the same note, there is a dwarf by the Snow White wishing well area that can be viewed at an angle with another fountain to make it appear as though he is relieving himself in the pond.
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Drewood writes:
First off, people will see what they want to see. Second, look how low that would be. That's out of his thigh. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but mine's not that low. Third, kind of an odd shape, don't you think?
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