Mr. Roger's Neighborhood Easter Egg - Who Was That Barefoot Man?

1 Watch Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.
2 He comes in, takes off his "hard shoes", puts on tennies and a sweater.
3 At the end of the show, he takes off his tennies and sweater, puts his suit coat back on and walks out the door...without putting his other shoes on!

(I actually got to speak with the actor who plays Mr. McFeely and mentioned this to him. He said that it was done on purpose to save time and get Mr. Rogers out the door in a quick fashion!)

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  5.3/10 with 797 votes
Contributed By: Andy on 09-19-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: PBS and time to watch
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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nimrod_103 writes:
Where is that place he goes to? Is that his play house?
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egg hunter writes:
The use of the word "bullsh*t" to describe something about a Mr. Roger's egg is most ironic.
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shaveme writes:
Not only that, but it's not an egg, either.
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Stop swearing! It is *icky* and will hurt my dainty little ears. well, acctually, i agree with shades. sorry man
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Mr. Rogers actually was in the Marine Corp as a Sniper. That's why he always wore long sleeves, he has tattoos up and down his arms.
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Mr. Rogers actually was in the Marine Corp as a Sniper. That's why he always wore long sleeves, he has tattoos up and down his arms.
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Chunkzilla writes:
The thing about the Marine Corps is just an urban legend. And you didn't need to post twice.
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fats writes:
I agree with egg hunter. Tsk tsk, all you people. What would Mr. Rogers say? Oh, and that sniper thing is just an urban legend. Search around for it on You'll find your info.
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robochamp writes:
Mr Rogers was never any of these things.
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sirjohnpoe writes:
Mr. Rogers was not a Marine Sniper, he is a Methodist minister, if you do not believe me go to any Christian bookstore and you will find a new book called The Simple Faith of Mr. Rogers.
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Jake_Davis writes:
This is a slip-up. Don't place it here. And stop posting the sniper thing. He wasn't a sniper, he didn't babysit JFK or any of that other crap.
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