Simpsons, The Easter Egg - Brownies

In the closing credits of a couple of episodes, there is a recipe for brownies that is shown rather quickly, but it's there. There is also other episodes with other recipes, but I don't remember what they're for.

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  6.9/10 with 218 votes
Contributed By: Rat294 on 09-16-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: T.v, sharp eyes
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Bill Runge writes:
I have watched almost every episode and never saw one. Can you give me an example of an episode? Thanx
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Umm, in the one where Bart is romancing his teacher, it brings up the statistics for the baseballer whose pic he was using. Also, in the one where Homer is using the vocabulary tape, thinking it's a slimming tape, at the end it brings up a page of words and what Homer *thinks* they mean. I wish I could remember which episode has the Ned Flanders short, and I don't think I've ever seen the brownies recipe
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Homer writes:
umm.... the "baseballer" was Gordie Howe, played hockey with the Detroit Red Wings and the Hartford Whalers.
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Dave R. writes:
THE ADVENTURE OF NED FLANDER's short was from the episode THE FRONT where Lisa and Bart write cartoon under Grandpa's name and Homer goes to night school to get his GED (not to be confused with the time Homer went to college). Ah, the golden days of the Simpsons... when they used to make fun of Ren & Stimpy (remember at the awards show -- Ren & Stimpy season premiere with the words "Clip not done yet"). And of course the time Bart watched it with his Big Brother on his big screen tv. Okay, I'm going way off topic.
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Now that you mention that, I remember a long time ago seeing some type of recipe for something. I don't remember what, but it was a LOOOOOOOOONG time ago, probably during the time when Homer had that old deep voice instead of the new high and whiney voice.
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MoNkEe writes:
the episode is the one when lisa becomes a vegetarian and finishes on top of the kwik-e-mart and paul mccarthy(one of the beatles) and his wife talk about a song which has a great recipe for lentil soup and on the credits it also gives the recipe for lentil soup
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"If you play 'Maybe I'm Amazed' backwards, you'll hear a recipe for a really rockin' lentil soup!"--Paul McCartney
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Magnoman writes:
Yeah, also, in Hotshots 2 they do the exact same thing. during the credits they show recipoes for brownies, I tried them and they are tasty.
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greenbeen55 writes:
In the credits for THE NAKED GUN TWO 1/2: THE SMELL OF FEAR there are several comments like 'What the hell is a GRIP?' the a short definition, and Set Dresser credits are followed by Cross Dresser, which incidentaly is a name similar to a Zucker-Abrahms-Zucker assistant; George LoCash.
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Sapwood2 writes:
The Simpsons Archive has all the Simpsons recipies listed at
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