Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi Easter Egg - Die!

Just after the Super Star Destroyer crashes into the new Death Star, the next shot is of inside Admiral Ackbar's ship, where the crew cheers. As the cheering starts to die down you can hear someone distinctly yell "Die dickheads!"

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  7.0/10 with 673 votes
Contributed By: JGMoney on 09-16-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Listen Closely
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Dex1138 writes:
Yeah, this is just like the end of Star Wars when Luke yells "Carrie!" at Leia. In other words, it didn't happen!
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RozMcClure writes:
Actually, it is there. Wait about two seconds, and you'll hear it very distinctly. Luke's "Hey/Carrie" yell was vague, but this is the real thing.
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Boba Fett writes:
Sounded more like he said "so long dick-head" to me.
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ciadmille writes:
You have to have an earlier version of the movie. The 'gold' version has the quote removed.
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They do say, "So long, Dickhead" in the special edition! E-mail me and I'll give you the sound
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Sebulba writes:
dex, you are an idiot. and the yell "Die dickheads!" is not distict
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Yes Luke does say Carrie and yes the alien does say Die Dickheads, I've sat and watched the scenes over 50 times and its the only conclusion I can make.
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