E.R Easter Egg - Valley Fever

Dr. Kovac and Abby were mugged while walking down a Chicago street, and Dr. Kovac kills the attacker in the process. The following week, Dr. Kovac was present during the autopsy of his attacker. The Dr. performing the autopsy mentions that the dead attacker had suffered from "Valley Fever" when he was younger. She also mentions that in order to have had "Valley Fever" he must have grown up in the San Joaquin Valley in California. Dr. Kovac expresses regret at having killed a "farm boy" and then the camera pans to the body on the table. I am sure that I saw the actor on the table smirk at this point. The actor that played the attacker is named Derek Mears. I know for a fact that he actually was from the San Joaquin Valley (Bakersfield) because he was one of my best friends while growing up there.

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  5.0/10 with 208 votes
Contributed By: BrianCardoza on 03-13-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A television
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IdidntDoIt writes:
Yes! The Mears family is well known here in Bakersfield.
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lynangel26 writes:
That's funny. I caught the smirk but never realized why he did it. Thanx for the info!
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