Gave Up (Nine Inch Nails) Easter Egg - Hidden Messages

OK its best if you pause the tape for this. Right when the camera looks at the music program on the computer look close. You will see messsages all over as the files names. One of them is F*** you Steve poking fun at the head of TVT records, there are other ones too. One says "This is bullshit" and theres another one that refers to Podboy. Podboy is Chris Vrenna's nickname that he likes to use. He's the drummer.

User Rating:
  7.7/10 with 29 votes
Contributed By: -_Quake_- on 03-13-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: You need the music video for Gave Up, it is on Halo 12.
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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actually, podboy is former drummer Chris Vrenna's nickname.
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Straight from Trent Reznor's mouth: "We try to name all our hard drives something easy to remember, like Bum Cleaver, Cunny or Big Hairy P****. Sometimes it gets complicated when we don't remember if the file we're looking for is A**f*** 25 on the F***f*** 12 drive or the F***f*** 12 on the A**f*** 25 drive. And when we're talking to each other in the studio, wondering whether running the Cunnykick through the F***chop program on the A**lick disc would help the turboc***'s really like speaking another language altogether." sounds simple enough. for proof of this go here:
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jadzia writes:
Excuse me for being 3 years late with this question, but I just discovered this website today. Is Marilyn Manson in this video? It sure looks like him and I know that's around the time Trent "discovered" him and he started working with Trent. Thanks a lot!
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Yes, Marilyn Manson is in the "Gave Up" video. He says so himself in his autobiography. (Which, by the way, is a great read, whether you're a fan or not.)
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