Presidents Of The United States Of America (Self-titled) Easter Egg - Tray Insert

When you open the case look carefully into the hole in the center in of the cd. Where the center hole in the tray is, you should see something that is not completely white. Remove the tray (be careful not to break it) and you will see a picture. It is Chris and Dave holding their guitars. This might not be on all copys because I remember seeing a copy when the cd came out with different cover art (possibly a promotional copy).

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 16 votes
Contributed By: pizza man moose on 03-07-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: the CD with back cover
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Can't find it on my copy Pizza-man, but maybe thats cos I'm UK. Anyway, thanks for making me dig out the old thing; it's reminded me that rock can be up-beat and a bit of a laugh. Think I'll put mi KoRn, Radiohead, Smiths, Papa Roach and Linkin Park on the back-burner for a few days !! :-))))))))))
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Spanko writes:
My CD does have it, and I'm American. Plus, there's a weird number in the corner of that picture "67291". What could it mean?
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basebrooklyn writes:
my copy of the album has it, I'm American, and my copy has the same numbers, 67291
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That strange number is the serial number.
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