Snatch Easter Egg - Extra Nice Subtitles!

In the main menu of the first disc, press up until the picture of the pig in the menu bar is highlighted. A little speech bubble should appear. When it does, click enter and subtitles will come up whenever, Brad Pitt's character talks.

User Rating:
  5.6/10 with 86 votes
Contributed By: Bradz P on 02-23-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Snatch Two - Disc Edition
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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CJ writes:
Why do you think he has made this up then? I'm curious do you own the DVD and have tried it? What about the 4 votes that give it 9.2/10 I think your wrong!
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Londonbabe writes:
I've got the DVD and he's right. You can also get it by selecting the 4th lot of subtitles on your remote (which still leaves 2 sets unaccounted for)
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moswell writes:
Yes you do get the special subtitles though on one of the scenes they are deliberately removed, its in the scene where you probably need them the most, its the hare coursing scene
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Ali B writes:
I know it works on Region 2, I don't know if that makes any difference to whether or not it works. And Londonbabe is probably right, but my DVD player doesn't list the subtitles together, only one-by-one with an up/down option. What I do know though is what one of the other sets of subtitles is: The Stealin' Stones option, where throughout the film at certain points a large diamond appears in the upper right corner (which is when you press enter on the controller to see a deleted scene), says on the screen that it disables all subtitles - this is because the diamonds ARE, effectively, extra subtitles. Now there's just one more set to fathom...
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FiZ writes:
You know it doesn't count as an egg if it's written on the back of the case. It say':" Subtitles: English, French, PIKEY..."
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