Bring It On Easter Egg - Peyton Reed Message

To find an amusing message from Bring It On's director, Peyton Reed, load up the DVD. At the main menu screen go to the Languages menu. Directly under the picture of Kirsten Dunst should be a picture of an orange "horn" (not sure the exact word for it now). It shouldn't be too difficult to see it's more than obvious. The message is short and sweet, but I found it pretty amusing.

User Rating:
  4.7/10 with 117 votes
Contributed By: Frank TJ Mackey on 02-20-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Bring It On DVD
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Kieran writes:
I clearly have way too much time on my hands. Yes, the Easter Egg is on the UK DVD release, it's just not actually linked up to anything that I can find. You have to play it manually. For the curious, use your remote to select TITLE 11 TRACK 1. Ah that director, he's such a hoot! I swear to god this film is growing on me.
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Venom100 writes:
your all going about this the hard way. On the UK DVD just go into the Extras, click Directors Commentary (to switch it off) go back up to the Directors Commentary box and press left on your controller. Come on guys easy
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Eli Friedman writes:
The horn is called a "megaphone". On the region 1 DVD, from the Languages screen, arrow down to the "menu" button, then arrow right to highlight the megaphone.
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nicky writes:
Does anybody know if this egg can be found on any non-UK RC2 DVD releases?
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