La Masquerade Infernale (Arcturus) Easter Egg - Secret Track

At the first track (Master of Disguise) use the backward-search on your CD-player, and the timer should go into the negatives, back to about -1:30. Play from there, and there is a secret techno track.

User Rating:
  8.6/10 with 39 votes
Contributed By: on 09-12-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: CD-player with the ability to track-search
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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xymir writes:
Ha ha ha. Yes! When I saw the hidden "Secret audio information can be found if sought..." message on the inside right wall of the CD trey, I went crazy when I did not find a secret track at the end of the CD. A year later, my friend turned the volume down when I put the CD in so I missed the begining. I got pissed and mashed on the rewind button to hear the begining. Suddenly, I heard this very UNmetal stuff with a person reading selected verses from Revelations! "And they sang new songs...His father's name...144,000 chosen" What could it mean I wonder? The inside left wall of the CD trey reads, "Philosophy of the crazed."
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xymir writes:
The verses in the track are specifically Revelation 14:1-3, 7, 15, 16.
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