Whoosh (Eat The Menu/The Mercy Bell) Easter Egg - Hidden Message in Cover

Take the CD out of the case and, keeping it open, hold the tray on an angle and look into the tray. You should see a hidden message on inside the side of the tray. Note that the band changed their name and re-released the CD on Polydor. When the CD was re-released the message was changed to read something like 'hidden messages in music are satanic'.

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  8.9/10 with 42 votes
Contributed By: zane-oz on 02-09-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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AusRob writes:
The actual quote is "subliminal messages such as this one have been proven to have a direct affect on the retail trends and spending habits of the average consumer". I'd never noticed it before. This is my favourite band and album - a shame they're no longer together - they were amazing live. Thanks for the memories Dale, Becca, Josh and Butterfly.
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Antsy writes:
Actually the band are still together and going strong. They relocated to London a couple of years ago.
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