Vodafone Easter Egg - Developer Credits and Debug

Warning, before you try these be warned that some codes I tried (not listed here) can reset the phone's settings.

Developer credits:
Enter *#9908# where you would normally enter a phone number. To stop the credits scrolling you need to switch the phone off.

Debug menu:
Enter *#9911# as above. Use up and down keys to see all debug info. Enter *#9911# again to toggle this option on and off.

Here are some more (less useful) codes I have found:

*#9901# - Show "PBatch" information.
*#9912# - Show networks?
*#9917# - Show Network ID and "active" (activation) information.
*#9931# - Displays "Backlight OFF when charging" (I don't know how to change this)

User Rating:
  2.9/10 with 98 votes
Contributed By: sean on 02-06-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: MN -1 Mobile phone
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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chesh writes:
This works!! Even on my brick, but would be useful is if someone new a code to get free calls or text messaging!!!! Can anyone help?
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hrf writes:
Just do a quick search in yahoo or similar for just about any modern mobile and you will find loads of hidden codes and features. These aren't eeggs, they're programmed in for testing/fixing by engineers etc. Its not anything new :)
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Sutarkoen writes:
To be frank with you people, these codes do not work! Vodafone changed a lot of their codes ages ago, if you request them now, all you'll get is "Unknown Command" I've tried these codes on many phones, Nokias, Ericssons, and Siemens, all with no avail! Here are a few that will work however, on Vodafone :) *#100# then press send will give you the number of the phone *#101# then press send, I don't know :) Brings up letters and numbers *#102# then press send, I think this is the radio base station your logged in at *#103# then press send will give you the network time and date *#104# then press send will bring up more letters and numbers, I don't know :) *#105# is none existent :) Try this at your own Risk on a nokia, a 6210 will bring up lots of phone info *#92702689# :) This will work, on any phone, any network, brings up your IMEI number *#06# and finally, *#0000# will bring up the software version on Nokia's :) Enjoy..!
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Yoda65 writes:
When I type the *#105* code on my Ericsson A1018s (On the Vodafone Network), It brings up more transmitter info including the time and date when the phone picked up the network signal since turning on the phone. *#106# does nothing.
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scribbleuk writes:
The codes shown in this egg are specific to the Vodafone MN-1 phone (also known as Maxon 3204) hence they do not work on all Vodafone mobiles. Other codes. *#102# shows the switching station that you are logged on to, not the base station. Each switch handles around 1 million numbers and is where usage information is collated. The number shown when you type *#104# is the voicemail box number for that mobile phone. If you call it your voicemail will answer.
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hrf writes:
oh oh oh and and if you do *#1345# you get your remaining credit, I spent years searching for this! or what about *#147#, fickle!
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joe writes:
none of these codes work on my nokia 3300, i don't know why, can anyone help? the only code which does work is the serial no. (*#06#)
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Fully writes:
These codes are all network or phone specific... most ussd codes that are sent to the network are unavailable to normal users, and can be only used by network engineers and testers. with phone specific codes it depends on the brand andtype of the phone which ones are available only *#06# to show the phone's IMEI is always available.
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