Lost World: Jurassic Park Easter Egg - The Screen Writer Gets Eaten

When the T-Rex is running amok through the city a guy with glasses runs to a store and trys to open a door which is locked the T-Rex turns and eats him. The guy is the writer of the movie he adapted the script from Michael Criton's book. Fitting end to the guy that wrote such a bad movie.

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  6.3/10 with 58 votes
Contributed By: teambanzai on 09-09-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: nothing
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JetStorm writes:
The guy is listed in the cast list as "The Poor Basterd"
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sarcasm_king writes:
heee heee heee, poor bastard thats funny.........................or not!
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Lone Star writes:
Isn't that why they call you the sarcasm king? Tehehe...=)
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Pinto4598 writes:
What were you all, BLIND??? The Lost World is in NO way better or compares to the original Jurassic Park!! Jurassic Park was a kick a** movie for it's time, The Lost World was just a generic, cop-out, sequel that happened to make money.
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Superrodan writes:
teambanzai probably read the book. If you think the moie is actually good, you should read the book. The movie sucks. The first was much better
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dekunut_2000 writes:
Jurassic Park was a classic movie. the Lost World was a pathetic "action packed hollywood" sequel.
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I agree with Superrodan 100%. The books blew the socks off of both the movies. As for the egg, I wonder if the writer had himself in mind when he wrote that part.
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EeggHead writes:
I never read the Jurassic Park book, so I can't compare it to the movie. The movie was great though. For its time, the special effects were outstanding. Actually, I think they were better than the Lost World's, which relied to much on computer generated images (you can tell what's actually in the set and wat's not). I did read the Lost World book though. It was definately better than the movie. Of course, usually whatever you do first (read book or watch movie) you like better, but I still think the movie sucked for other reasons. Speilberg himself, in a "behind the scenes" interview said he mad the movie more "action-packed" for a sick kid who wanted more dinosaurs and a shorter time before the cast got to the island (in other words...no plot). The part where the girl did some gymnastics moves to kick a raptor was incredibly stupid and unrealistic. There were to many extras that were there only to die instead of the cast. And no one can explain what happened on the ship with the T-rex. Let's hope the third movie is better.
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Reighn21 writes:
I thought both of the movies sucked pretty bad compared to the books, but I didn;t care, they were still breathtakingly wonderfull effects films
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kynan writes:
Did any of you EVER read the book by Micheal Cighton? Both movies were the whole book ...pretty much!
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EdwardNigma writes:
Well, I liked the sequel. I think most people just didn't like it because they had built Jurassic Park up in their minds to where it was nearly considered perfect and there's no way the sequel could live up to those expectations. You have to respect it for being its own movie, not just a hyped sequel.
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Argyle_Agent writes:
The only similarity between the Jurassic Park movies and the Michael Crichton novels are the names (and that doesn't even prove true for The Lost World, as it was not titled The Lost World: Jurassic Park). Spielberg has bastardized the novels into movies that stupid people can understand (ie "Hehe... that dude got eaten while taking a sh*t, hehe"). Both endings were completely changed. Some characters added others removed (wtf Malcolm's black daughter my ass). Oh and not to mention the following: removal of dinosaurs, changing of dinosaur biology (a dihloposaurus (sp?) is actually 10 feet tall), complete retooling of dialog and plot, zero character build-up and location changes. The indepth, cutting edge scientific/psycological study has been removed.
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Jim! writes:
I haven't seen anyone make mention of the fact that in "The Lost World", the movie ended up on San Diego. If you've read the book, you know that they never even left the island! Let's also point out, while we're sighting differences between the book and the movie, that Sarah Harding was not Malcolm's current girlfriend in the book, but an estranged girlfriend for whom he had a bit of disdain. Another difference is that in the book there were 2 kids, Arby (a boy) and Kelly (a girl), none of whom were Malcolm's kids at all.
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Actually, the dihloposaurus or "Spitter" as it's referred to now didn't really spit. It was a effect added (I haven't read the book of JP, so I don't know if Spielberg added this for the movie) to the Dihloposaurus to look neato.
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simgirl writes:
i just have to say that the door was not locked. he had to pull the door so it opened out and he went closer to the T-Rex in a perfect eating position.
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Plum writes:
the book rocked the film sucked. as simple as that. if spielberg hadnt changed the story of the book so much it would have been brilliant
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Balbo writes:
The screenwriter is David Koepp (Jurassic Park, Panic Room, Snake Eyes)...
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Collosus writes:
ok, i have yet to read the second book but i did read the first. If i remember corectly, didnt Malcom die at the end of the first book? I'm just assuming this would change the movies sequal......thats just my opinion though
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