Macross Easter Egg - Beer Missile

In one of the combat scenes, I don't remember which one, if you use slow motion or frame by frame, you can see that one or more of the missiles is(are) painted like a beer can.

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  8.1/10 with 14 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-09-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: vcr with slow motion or frame by frame
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Lady Eboshi writes:
And speaking of anime, if you check out Episode 1 of the animated "Gunsmith Cats," there's a close-up of a license plate that reads "NCC-1701", the Enterprise's registration number. More anime/manga spoilers... "Appleseed"--Manga, Book 3, Issue 1--In the lower left hand corner of page 3, I believe, you can see a cameo of Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken. He even gives his trademark statement, "Call Me Snake!" "Appleseed"--Manga, Book 2, Issue 1) Hold the book up to the mirror and look at the councilmember's tunics. Several works in English can be read. And speaking of words, a Japanese issue of "Dominion" had a large blurb (in English) right inside the artwork "Appleseed Book 3 is nudeful and actionful." This was later removed for the American translated version. "Gunsmith Cats"--In several issues of the comic book, look at Rally's Mustang's license plate. It varies between "NCC 1701" and "THX-1138." "Dominion" The first series, Issue 5 or 6--At one point, Buaku (the half-robot super criminal) is wearing a shirt that has a (reversed)map of the world. More later as I find them!
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CheerioBoy writes:
Let us not forget the Pepsi can missiles for Project AKO or the massive amounts of cameos that cross-pollinate the Anime genre. :-)
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BonHed writes:
The Beer can missile is at the end, when Rick is smashing through the Zentrodi ship. He fires a huge amount of missiles, and one streaks by the screen. Its a Budwiser can, I believe.
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Lady Eboshi writes:
One more! In an episode of "Gundam Wing" (I forget which), there is a shot of Wing-Zero's cockpit. In the lower left corner of the dash is the phrase "Intel Inside." So Gundams run on the Windows platform?
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BattleTech vs RoboTech Did you know that Fasa Corporation 'appropriated' many RoboTech Mecha for use as BattleTech 'Mechs? RoboTech Name BattleTech Name VeriTech Fighter Wasp & Stinger Super VeriTech Pheonix Hawk Transformer Jetfire Armored VeriTech Crusader Excalibur Warhammer Gladiator Archer Raidar Rifleman Officer's Pod Marauder Let me know if there are any more.
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Kurt writes:
It's been a long time since I have seen this movie but either before or right after the beer can goes streaking by there is a Coca Cola can going by also. As for the Battletech vs. Robotech issue this was an obvious enough 'cameo' to be caught by the Robotech people who successfully sued Fasa to remove the mech similarity.
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Actually, the label says Intel Outside. It's on the missile Heero is trying to shut off to prevent the New Edward's base from being blown up and annihilating everything in a 180 mile radius. Wing Zero hadn't been built at that point, it was in the early episodes.
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sasquatch writes:
In Gundam 08th MS Team, when they are activating the big mecha (can't remember what it's called) that deals major death, if you look behind the main-character's-love-interest's-brother (Can you tell I haven't seen this in a while?), you'll see that the lit-up panels showing which systems are activating show things like "Pentium MMX" and "DirectX SDK."
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