Ransom Easter Egg - John Smith?

Go to the part of the movie when the science fair
is going on. Watch for the part when Mel Gibson
is talking to his son and fixing his toy plane for flight. He will tell him he can't enter the science
fair. The boy will say "Can't I enter under a different name" and Mel Gibson will say "You mean like John Smith"? If you remember, Mel Gibson did the voice of John
Smith in Disney's Pocahontas.

User Rating:
  3.8/10 with 62 votes
Contributed By: Cloud Strife on 09-09-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The Movie a VCR and Sound
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Xta-C writes:
True, but John Smith is a very common name
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Scrupooch writes:
John Smith is also an Alias that people give to a "no-namer", like Police use it at the morgue when they don't know the person's identity.
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Jerod writes:
Actually, when the police don't know the identity of a person, they're known as a "John Doe" and not "Smith," as you suggest. However, I don't believe there is any deeper significance to the line, other than it just being a common name.
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Danny writes:
Smith is the most common surname in English-speaking countries, and John is a highly common first name. In fact, the whole name John Smith ranks among the most commonly used names in English-speaking countries. Nice try, anyway.
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vespucci writes:
I think you'll find that 'John Doe' is limited to the USA though - pretty much sure it's not used here in the UK...I think they call dead guys they can't identify 'the dead guy'. Makes sense to me :o)
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SW_Phill writes:
This is crazy. How can you claim this is an easter egg? just becaused he voiced John Smith in "Pocahontas" doesn't make saying ". . .what like John Smith" (the most popular American name some special secret. JOHN SMITH!!! Oh look I just typed an easter egg. :-|
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