Scary Movie Easter Egg - Scary Subliminal Message

In the movie, Scary Movie, when Ray and Brandy are in the Movie Theater. For a brief second they flash a RED movie rating screen, you may be able to catch that the movie is rated "I - IMMATURE".

But what you miss, if you don't pause, is right under the "IMMATURE" is says, "We thought it would be funny to put this here. Kiss our asses and take it off pause."

This works well on DVD, VHS may be a little harder, unless you have slow motion. Have fun and enjoy!

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 2126 votes
Contributed By: Joe on 01-28-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: VHS Movie, DVD, Pause/Slow Motion Button
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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DarkHorse219 writes:
Also above the rating symbol it says "The following peeview has been assproved for immature audiences only", "If you can read this you are too close" and "Pee Pee Poopy Boogers Farts B***hole." These are not typos, this is actually how they are spelled.
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SuperJew writes:
it is Brenda cause in the scene where ray gets her to put on the football stuff he calls her Brendan and she say what and then he says Brenda Brenda
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JAMIE! writes:
Actually, her name is Brenda Meeks - I got the movie, I just checked. Go here if you don't believe me
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Edwards writes:
No, it is Brenda. I always use the Closed Captioning, and it says, in plain English, Brenda every time.
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JellyBelly writes:
Who cares what her name was, that isn't the point!! The point was the rating thing. OK??
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holmes writes:
It was Brenda, because when Ray began humping her he begins to call her Brendan
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Mister X writes:
Ok, ok, listen guys: THE NAME IS NOT THE POINT! For me it doesn't matter wrether it is Brenda, Brendan, Brandy or whatever! Try to concentrate to the EGG not some stupid (possible) typo!!
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Bo$$PLaya writes:
What Ray says when he jumps on top of Brenda is BRANDON, not Brendan. He also says it while doing push ups in scary movie 2
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That's not scary, it's stupid.
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Yep, this is real. I saw the "IF YOU CAN READ THIS YOU ARE TOO CLOSE" and the "IMMATURE" symbol, but I couldn't tell what the fine print was. So I paused it here, and it did say what is mentioned... XD lol
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mfs writes:
These are not typos, this is actually how they are spelled.-What The Hell Isn't a typo?
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amrobe writes:
Did anyone notice the menu in the cafeteria scene behind ray and cindy says "same old sh*t". There's also one to the right of it, but i can't make out what it says, so if anyone else can...
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Joe Schrey writes:
Ok I think everyone has beaten the "Brandy should be Brenda" name thing to death now.
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It's not supposed to be scary spongebobfaeriepants, it's supposed to be funny this is an adult comedy.
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OK, i've seen scary movie and scary movie two so many times, because i thought they were halarious... anyway, Ray is gay. His girlfriend's name is Brenda. He makes her put on the football uniform because it's easier for him to visualize her as a guy. And he calls her Brandon... because he is GAY!!!
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kerbear writes:
In response to amrobe--I used the zoom feature on my DVD player & the 2nd menu board says "MORE SAME OLD"
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