Northern Exposure Easter Egg - From One Quirky Town to Another

I think this was in about the third or fourth episode. I know it was very early in the first season. One of the plots of the episode involved Joel's fiance (Elaine) coming to visit him in Cicily, the quirky little town he was forced to practice medicine in. At the end of the episode Holling takes Joel and Elaine to a look-out peak. Things get a little creepy up there. They hear this slow jazz music with snapping fingers. As they peer into the telescope, they spot a woman with a log. Holling offers some pie and coffee and then begins to lecture about zen buddhism. What they've done is looked into Twin Peaks, another quirky town. This seems fairly obvious to anyone with a general knowledge of Twin Peaks, but when the episode was first aired, Twin Peaks was still a new show as well and not nearly as many people were aware of all the talk about pie and coffee, the Log Lady or any of the other oddities of the show.

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 109 votes
Contributed By: Puck on 09-09-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: A TV and a copy of the episode
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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MonicaJ writes:
Aah, but I'm sure you also know that the town where Northern Exposure was filmed (Roslyn, WA) is not very far away at all from the town where Twin Peaks was filmed (Snoqualmie, WA).
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LeslyG writes:
Also, as being from Roslyn, Washington myself, Roslyn's Cafe (in the opening credits) has a fake " 's " is either cardboard or paper. It is not painted on there. The cafe is in Roslyn and NOT owned by Roslyn (a girl or something).
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elevine writes:
Roslyn and Cicely were lovers. The town was named after Cicely to honor her selfless death protecting Roslyn. It was they who together made Cicely the Paris of Alaska (before Maurice made it the capital of the Alaskan Riviera).
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