Beyond, The Easter Egg - The Beyond - Bonus Trailer + Alternative Title Sequence

In the limited edition version of Lucio Fulci's 'The Beyond' (the one in the tin - not sure if the non-limited version is the same, but try it and see) if you go to the main menu, select extras and then select 'images from the Beyond'. If you now press left on your remote 3 times until the 'gate' symbol is highlighted and then press enter, a trailer for Fulci's 'Cat In The Brain' will play. Also, if you select 'audio setup' from the main menu and again, press left 3 times until the 'gate' symbol is highlighted and then press enter, an 'alternate' opening title sequence for 'The Beyond' (aka '7 Doors Of Death') will play. There are some more 'gate' symbols, I believe, but so far I have been unable to do anything with them. If anyone knows, please pass it on.

User Rating:
  8.2/10 with 8 votes
Contributed By: Lee Goodman on 01-23-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Limited Edition Tin
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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simplemick writes:
Nice egg, the American start sequence was a nice surprise, I cant get the third "Eibon" symbol to do anything though.
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