Horse Feathers (1932) Easter Egg - Whatever It Is, I'm Against It!

When the new president of Huxley College, Professor Quincy Wagstaff(Groucho) stands to address the welcoming crowd over the microphone there is a gentlemen seated at a typewriter sitting close by his side. The fellow is life long buddy Arthur Sheekman. A comedy writer who is uncredited on "Horse Feathers", but who's work on movie scripts for Groucho and Chico continued on in radio and stage as well. Was this uncredited cameo a credit for the script? Three other writers were mentioned in screen credits for working on HF. It was known to all in production that Groucho detested the other writers. He put his favorite writer in a close shot with him.
Sheekman had written a show business column for the Chicago "Sun-Times". Groucho wrote a guest column and liked Sheekman's style. He invited Sheekman out to Hollywood.
Stay away from the college widow....

User Rating:
  8.7/10 with 23 votes
Contributed By: iamTHErooster on 01-23-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: watch this classic.
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dizexpat writes:
"Three other writers were mentioned in screen credits for working on HF. ("Horsefeathers"). It was known to all in production that Groucho detested the other writers." I can't let that pass without comment. True, Groucho had great personal and professional respect for Arthur Sheekman but as for "detesting" the other writers: Research!! S.J. Perelman was one of the most admired comedy writers of the 20th century and a frequent contributer to "The New Yorker". Groucho dedicated his autobiography "Groucho and Me" (1959) to a group of writers he respected, Perelamn among them. True, in his later years, Perelman grew infuriated by the fact that he was almost exclusively associated with his work on two Marx Brothers films, and thence grew the (largely fabricated) Groucho-Perelman feud. The two reconciled before Groucho's death. As for Harry Ruby (one of the other contributed writers) he was one of Groucho's favorite collaborators and a close friend as well until his death in 1974. Detested? Quite the contrary!
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