Spawn Easter Egg - The Clown's Backwards Line

On Special Features side of the DVD go to "special features" and click through "more". Once there select Spawn sound-track and hit your right arrow to select the text side of screen which lists sound-track artists. A green Marilyn Manson Logo then appears. Hit enter and a screen with three doors appears. The middle door takes you to the hidden Manson video. Select the right door three times in a row, each time allowing the animated characters to cross screen, on the fourth attempt a full screen clip of The Clown appears and recites a line from the movie in says ".sdrater eht lla teg ew dna srewollof doog eht lla pu sgoh dog emoc woH"-- Figure it out for yourself.

User Rating:
  7.1/10 with 25 votes
Contributed By: Larz on 01-10-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Director's Cut
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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duffman writes:
Hey Larz lets see how you fell about this the line is "How come god hogs up all the good followers and we get all the retards" this is the line John aka the clown uses in the cemetary scene alright. Peace
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Just to clarify, the doors to either side of the middle door will lead you to the clown [not solely the one on the right].
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