Doctor Who Easter Egg - Video Tape (V.T.)- Phone Home

Many years ago I used to work as a Video Tape editor at BBC TV center. One of the constant sources of amusement to those of us working on programs like Dr Who were the little easter eggs that got put in - and waiting to see how long it would take for someone to rumble them.

To my knowledge this one never got spotted - and the phone number concerned has long since changed so I am quite safe revealing this.....

If you listen to the Doctor reeling off a list of coordinates to sarah just when they are taking Eldrad back home - the numbers went something like 01-748-xxxx - the number was the direct dial telephone number of the video tape control room in television center at the time. As I say long since changed but a bit of fun at the time (about 1974 if memory serves) !

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  7.7/10 with 33 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 01-10-2001
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Watch Pertwee Story The Hand Of Fear Carefully
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Steve Crow writes:
Actually, it's a Tom Baker story. There's a Pertwee story called "The Mind of Evil", but it's the Tom Baker story that has Eldrad in it.
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Speenz writes:
This isn't the only instance of this happening either. There was one story where the space time co-ordinates included the first part of anthony ainleys (ex)phone number.
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nuzz writes:
in episode one of the invisible enemy [1977], after the doctor is infected with the virus, he asks leela to take him to 'space hospital', and gives the [now defunct] doctor who office direct dial number at the bbc tv center in london as the space-time co-ordinates. also, the season featuring oolon colluphid's book and the yucky headed monster [scaroth of jagaroth] is the 1979 season which had it's scripts edited by douglas adams. as h2g2 was already written at the time these doctor who stories were written, they are both definite eggs, being the handiwork of adams himself [who shared a great deal of humour with tom baker]. unfortunately douglas was moved on from the post by the incoming producer of doctor who, who felt that with baker's propensity for silliness and adams' own homour, the show was becoming too comedic.
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Sam 27 writes:
Tom Baker has often commentated on the fact he used a BBC number whenever he had to recite co-ordinates, sometimes he even wrote it on his palm!
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Suky writes:
I just want to say that Douglas Adams was not moved on by the incoming producer John Nathan-Turner but moved of his own accord. The reason being that he had so much THGTTG work lined up that he would be too busy to do anything else. See Doctor Who Magazine - The Complete Fourth Doctor Volume 2 from Panini Magazines for clarification.
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Captin Shmit writes:
in te first book, the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, the exact odds that arthur and ford would be picked up by a spaceship after getting kicked out of the vogon spaceship in less than thirty seconds, happens to be the phone number of an islington flat where Arthur once went to a very good party and met a very nice girl whom he totally failed to get off with. just another example of Douglas Adams telling how phone numbers control our lives.
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