Halloween Easter Egg - Halloween Mask

Watch the Movie and concentrate on the mask the bad-guy is wearing. The Mask is a mold of actor William Shatners face!

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  6.2/10 with 139 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 09-07-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Copy of Tape
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Stinky writes:
I actually read somewhere (on those movie slides they show while you are waiting to see a movie, I think.) that they took a Captian Kirk Halloween mask and spray painted it white.
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EternalSpark writes:
No, no, actually, the mask is just the Kirk mask, punched inside out - that's why is it a little craggly - I heard there were problems sometimes of it going back right and falling off his face :P
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Sara Jo writes:
I heard this egg as well. Apparently, the reason they used a Shatner mask was lack of funding. They got a few crew members to go to a mask store and get the cheapest one!!!!!!
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Will Storrie writes:
I heard it was actually William Shatners bum and not his face. Yer Maw
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McD writes:
I've seen and interview concerning this with Tommy Lee Wallace...they painted it white...removed the sideburns and widened the eyes...thats what it is, not inside out or anything...I think they have it on the movies web page too...HalloweenMovies.com
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Seeitmyway writes:
No wonder this guy scared the hell out of everyone...a pale faced James T. Kirk with hair walking towards them...no matter how fast they ran...there he was
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Ekmeian writes:
The mask of Michael is a William Shatner mask. It is from the movie The Devil's Rain. Since John Carpenter was on a small budget he went into a store, bought the cheap mask, painted it white, and changed the hair.
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Non_D_Script writes:
To correct EternalSpark: if you think about it, what you say cannot be true. It was not a face-only mask but one that covered the whole head. This means that, first of all, if it was reversed then the hair would have been on the wrong side; and secondly, it may have reversed itself and fallen off it covered the face only, but it didn't - it'd be pretty hard for a head mask to fall off.
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The man who played Mike Myers in the original Halloween was a screenwriting friend of John Carpenter's just helping out as a favor. His name is Nick Castle, and has directed the Damon Wayans comedy, Major Payne.
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