ReplayTV personal video recorder Easter Egg - Cookie Monster

1. Activate secret menu by pressing 243+"zones" button in the live TV mode.
2. There are 10 items in in the secret menu and an input box below the 10th item. Scroll down to the input box and press "Select". On-screen keyboard should pop up.
3. Enter "ME LIKE COOKIES" using on-screen keyboard and select "Done" (or press "Enter" on your remote).

A funny quote will appear. Repeat steps 2-3 for more quotes.


User Rating:
  5.1/10 with 22 votes
Contributed By: pofig37 on 12-21-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
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LiquidIce writes:
Just wanted to say ther's about 25 quotes (didn't actually count them all) the first being Kickass dude, and the last being Where is Tweedledum and Tweedledee. Also, you don't have to be in Live TV, you can be delayed, just not on a replay show.
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