Dr Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) Easter Egg - Ron Howard Wanna Be

When The Grinch is telling the dog (Max) to be a reindeer and is wearing that black hat,, that is Ron Howard's directing hat he wears when he directs, Jim Carry was imitating him and it wasn't in the script.

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  6.6/10 with 180 votes
Contributed By: Cheese on 12-13-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: The movie
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Danny Mutabi writes:
This is a very good egg. I noticed this too. This is probably one of the best eggs there are. Jim Carrey said he put that in the script in his interview. You guys should go back and read what an egg is.
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BlackPhaze writes:
Did you notice when the people threw their keys in the jar?
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madmax2166 writes:
Yeah I noticed the keys in the jar thing, I couldn't stop laughing. I was in the cinema at the time, loads of kids in the audience, and I was cracking up shouting "they're having a wife swapping party!!!!" Does this count as an egg all in it's self seeing as it's a children's movie?
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GwenGrrl writes:
speaking of it being a "children's" movie, did anyone else notice the grinch make a comment on the "powder" being "b*tch'n"?
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Vicky writes:
OK, as for the "powder" being b*tchin, b**chin is a word used constantly by adults, teens, and kids. Mostly here in California, but as well of other places! Plus, everyone knew this was an egg! Jim Carey and Ron Howard mentioned this in about every interview!
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tresbigdog writes:
concerning the Keys in the jar theory...i don't think it was a swap-party, but merely so nobody would drive home drunk. Just a theory but either one its still pretty funny!
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If you would of watched the Disney Channel while this movie was in the making process. Ron Howard showed up to work early and had the make - up artist do him up in the Grinch make - up just to see what it was like. In return Jim Carey took Ron Howard's hat and was joking around because Ron thought it went good he added it to the script. You people need to watch the Disney channel more often.
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Nikki_jane writes:
I know its a kids film etc..but alot of these kidss films have alot of adult reference...for eg cat in the hat.. the cat stands on a hoe and says 'dirty hoe...im sorry baby lurv you' and also the spelling of the car spells out sh*t very adult things to put intoa kids film..but kids wont notice it or understand it..makes it more entertaining for the adult being made to watch it.. as for the key swapping i believe it is a referance to swapping...just a little humor for the adults. trust me my nephews make me watch these films over and over.
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