Open Your Eyes (Yes) Easter Egg - Album Preview at the End of the Album

If you leave your "Open Your Eyes" cd by Yes running after the last song finishes, after several minutes you'll hear a hidden track which contains preview of the album songs. Just leave it playing, i don't remember exactly how long is to the hidden track :-)

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  6.2/10 with 12 votes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 12-13-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Yes CD and CD-player
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The hidden track begins at the end of the last track at 7 minuets and 38 seconds in to the track (about a minuet and a half after The Solution ends). The track is not continuous. Their are short samples about every minute until the track reaches 24 minutes, then the c.d. ends. Its not actually much of an album preview. All the clips in the secret track are accapella versions. If you have a four speaker sound system the samples and sound effects will travel all around the room. The bonus track was played over the P.A. before each show of the 1997 tour. If you have really good ears, you can hear a brief snippet of Steve Howe playing electric sitar just before the c.d. ends.
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