Bullet with Butterfly Wings Single CD (Smashing Pumpkins) Easter Egg - Hidden Advertisement

1) Look at where the child's face is poking through the tear in the tear in the picture of the older man.
2) Now, with a magnifying glass look at the lapel on the right of the face.
3) The blue dots that color the exposed back of the torn paper are grouped together to spell out "Burdock Blood Bitters"
4) It's very faint so you might need pretty good lighting to spot it but it's there.
5) It's a reference to the fact that the girl in the background is the same girl that was in the advertisements for Burdock Blood Bitters which incidentally had cocaine in them (which is why they no longer exist!)

User Rating:
  7.2/10 with 159 votes
Contributed By: tablarasa7 on 12-09-2000
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Smashing Pumpkins Box Set or Bullet with Butterfly Wings Poster
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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tablarasa7 writes:
i wrote this egg and i forgot to put that the egg is to be found on the bullet with butterfly wings cd in the box set. oops.
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Pumpkingrrl writes:
How did you ever notice that? I've had that CD for 5 years and I never saw it!
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Snideyhyde writes:
It's not just the girl that is taken from the advert. The whole front cover is basically the same as the advert which may explain why the writing is still visible, they obviously got a picture of the advert and tried removing the writing. Anyone who wants to see the original advert email me and I will send you a copy.
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bytch37 writes:
I really would love to know where you found this out from or more about the BBB. I am doing a full critque on this cover for a history of design class. Any information would be great! Thanks!
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