Disco Volante (Mr. Bungle) Easter Egg - Hidden Song

This only works on the record version of Disco Volante. It is tough to find. You have to drop the needle slowly right after the groove for the 3rd track "Carry Stress in the Jaw." If done correctly it will take you to the secret song that seems to be missing from the album. I found it be accident one night.

User Rating:
  7.0/10 with 105 votes
Contributed By: The White Heat on 09-03-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Vinyl Only
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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Mbeanis writes:
This track, which has never been officially named by the band but is referred to as The Spy Song by fans, is on the CD and simply follows "Carry Stress in the Jaw". Also, there is bonus noise at the end of the CD which is not on the vinyl.
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Prod Doc writes:
Disco Volante? The spy song? Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the name of Largo's yacht (from the James Bond movie Thunderball) the Disco Volante?
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warren writes:
Yep, sure is!
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warren writes:
No, was wrong. The boat in Thunderball was the "Disco Volante". Largo was in "Never Say Never Again". His boat was the "Flying Saucer" which in Italian is ...Disco Volante. Maybe this qualifies as an egg.
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The secret song is sung by Trevor Dunn (bass player). The rest of the band played on this song without Trevor knowing about it. If you listen to the lyrics Trevor wrote, it all makes sense - "I know the secret now, they wouldn't tell me, but somehow I found out."
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