Flight Simulator (Microsoft) Easter Egg - Close Encounters

1. Find "Devils Tower" (Yes, it is there, I do not however have the exact coordinates, You can check a real-life map if you wish)
2. The clouds will turn into slug-like Aliens!

User Rating:
  4.0/10 with 45 votes
Contributed By: Ryan Brown on 07-10-1999
Reviewed By: Webmaster
Special Requirements: Version 5.0
Please correct this Egg if you see errors.

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[tomo] writes:
Devil's Tower is the mountain where the government in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" tried to signal aliens when they contacted the earth and etched the image into everyones' brain when every one saw them fly-by. Also, if you have a copy of the movie, the exact coordinates are displayed when the aliens give off a signal. (It takes the radio-telescope nerds to figure it out!!!) [tomo]
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awizardalso writes:
For anyone that needs them, the actual coordinates are 104 42 55 West by 44 35 25 North (the longitude (104)is actually negative if the directionals aren't used). I found this egg looking for the coordinates, and came back when I found them. Someone else may need this bit of trivia.
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